“The analogy between Paul’s presence from a distance and the risen Jesus’ presence from a distance is not perfect; the kinds of distances are not the same. If a Corinthian journeyed to find Paul 'in body,' he could; not so with Jesus. But just this difference gives the notion that Jesus is spiritually present in the church great ontological weight, such as the notion of our spiritual presence to one another cannot have. Jesus is someplace else from the church, not because he is in another place but because he is of the coming eon. He must come to us not merely incidentally to spatial separation but because coming, advent, is in this age his proper mode of being. But that is to say that spirit is his mode of being. And so, while for Paul presence 'in spirit' is a deficient mode, lacking presence 'in the body,' Jesus’ spiritual presence is intensified presence—which can in appropriate contexts even be described as more unavoidably embodied than Paul or we ever are.”